Visit the Legend’s Cab


DATES: Tuesday 30th & Wednesday 31st May

On Tuesday 30th & Wednesday 31st of May, Flying Scotsman will be in Haworth Yard; you can turn up on the day and Visit The Legend’s Cab. The locomotive will be situated in Haworth Yard, the opposite end of the car park to the station; the entrance for the special event is on the left-hand side of the car park and around the side of the shed.


It’s a childhood dream for many to sit in the driver’s seat of Flying Scotsman. We can make that dream a reality this May with our ‘Visit the Legends Cab’ events at the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway. The loco will be alive with a fire in its belly and all the smells of coal, steam and oil that come with it, a truly multisensory experience!

DATES: Tuesday 30th & Wednesday 31st May

Event Information

Due to popular request, with rare access to Haworth Yard and a visit to the cab of Flying Scotsman.

  • There is no pre-booking, the entrance fee is £6.00 per person, and you pay this at the entrance to the yard.
  • To access Flying Scotsman Cab, you must climb stairs, and there is no level access.
  • The first visit is at 10.00 am, and the last visit will be at 4.00 pm

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